Travel Oklahoma For Free: 35 Books From & About Our Great State (2024)

Travel Oklahoma For Free: 35 Books From & About Our Great State (1)Travel Oklahoma For Free: 35 Books From & About Our Great State (2)

Travel Oklahoma For Free: 35 Books From & About Our Great State (3)Travel Oklahoma For Free: 35 Books From & About Our Great State (4)

I did not grow up in Oklahoma. But I did grow up knowing the history of my native state. So, now that I am raising two Okie boys, I want to make sure they grow up knowing the rich culture, heritage, and history that is ingrained here. But no matter who you are, where you came from, or how old you are, there are tantalizing tales that will captivate your imagination and leave you in awe of the beauty and history of Oklahoma!

That’s the wonder of books. They can transport you to another land or another time without having to leave the comfort of your pajamas and cup of tea. And that’s why I love my local library. My adventure is just a street and a page away (and don’t forget it’s free!).You’ll find each title links to it’s corresponding page at your local library for your convenience. Don’t have a library card? It’s easy to apply online or at your nearest branch.

Have a book that should be added to this list? Let us know!

Travel Oklahoma For Free: 35 Books From & About Our Great State (6)

Travel Oklahoma For Free: 35 Books From & About Our Great State (7)Travel Oklahoma For Free: 35 Books From & About Our Great State (8)

Babies and Young Children

Elmo, The Oklahoma Prairie Dog
Elmo figures out a way to save his family from the rattlesnake, but it could close off their home forever. Is it worth the risk?

Little Oklahoma
A board book that brings to life all the elements that make Oklahoma so special.

Love is all Around Oklahoma
When you look around Oklahoma, how could you not love it?

O is for Oklahoma
An alphabet book written by kids for kids!

The Oklahoma Scranimal
What would happen if a tornado picked up 5 animals and scrambled them into one? You’d get a fun sing-along book with vibrant illustrations!

The Twelve Days of Christmas in Oklahoma
Rodeos, Route 66, cowboys and more. That’s Christmas Oklahoma-style!

S is for Sooner: an Oklahoma Alphabet
With reading for all ages, you’ll explore Oklahoma through the alphabet.

Juvenile Fiction and Non-Fiction

Call Me Oklahoma!
Fourth-gradeer Paige decides to reinvent herself as “Oklahoma,” only to realize being assertive and gutsy are unrelated to her name.

Elephant Hips are Expensive
Based on true events, children state-wide join to raise money to replace the elephant in the Lincoln Park Zoo in OKC.

Ghost of Mingo Creek: And Other Spooky Oklahoma Legends
From Tulsa County’s Mingo Creek to the Kiamichi Country’s bigfoot in the SE region, these fictional stories bring rich, Oklahoma legends to life.

How I Became a Ghost: A Choctaw Trail of Tears Story
Choctaw boy’s exodus from Mississippi to the American West, and those that were left behind.

A fun representation of our state from a series about all the states.

Oklahoma Prairie Tales: Mostly True Tales My Grandma Told Me
From bouncing on a buckboard to a cow in a hotel, this humorous page-turner is laughable for all ages!

Out of the Dust
This award-winning, gripping story outlines the struggle to survive during the dust bowl years of the Great Depression.

From best-selling and local author, S.E. Hinton, easygoing and reckless Tex sees everything falling apart around him. How can he keep his family – and everything else – together?

Where the Red Fern Grows
This award-winning book explores the bond betweenaboy and his dogs and the lesson that hope can stem from despair.

Adult Reads

August: Osage County
This critically acclaimed play is the quintessential portrait of the dysfunctional American family at its best and absolute worst.

Oklahoma Poems: and their Poets
An anthology written by natives, ex-pats, and visitors explores the people, places, and odds & ends of Oklahoma.

Award-winning author, Toni Morrison, chronicles a small, Oklahoma town founded by the descendants of freed slaves and weaves her iconic prose around race, religion, gender, and the past that connects us all.

The Innocent Man
In the vein of Making a Murderer, John Grisham’s #1 NY Times bestseller and first work of non-fiction explores the conviction, trial, and death sentence of a washed-up small-town hero in Ada, Oklahoma.

Where the Heart Is
Seventeen, seven months pregnant, and left behind at a Walmart, Novalee not only finds a home and a job, but also finds herself as she raises her daughter in small-town Sequoyah, Oklahoma.

Culture and Travel

ABC’s ofOklahoma Plants: Edible, Medicinal, and Just Plain Fun Plants Right Outside Your Door
Whether you’re hiking or just exploring your backyard, this is the perfect companion to learn about what grows under your feet and above your head.

Classic Restaurants of Oklahoma City
Written by the “Food Dude” from the Oklahoman, this book explores the sordid – and delicious – history of OKC’s iconic restaurants.

Oklahoma Unforgettable
Discover Oklahoma’s beautiful allure in 143 captivating color photographs of the cities, towns, prairies, forests, deserts, and trails that make up America’s heartland.

Oklahoma Curiosities: Quirky Characters, Roadside Oddities & Other Offbeat Stuff
This travel-guide-meets-wacky-gazette contains amusing stories and unique photographs that will entertain Okies and travelers alike.

Oklahoma Hiking Trails
With detailed maps, GPS markers, and color photos of landmarks, this comprehensive guide outlines the best hikes state-wide for amateurs and experts in a small, light-weight package.

The Main Streets of Oklahoma: Okie Stories from Every County
The main street is the heart of every community and this book chronicles the hidden tales, revitalizing local history state-wide.

Weird Oklahoma: Your Travel Guide to Oklahoma’s Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets
Tales of the outlandish and bizarre from every corner of the state and everywhere in-between.


An Oklahoma I Had Never Seen Before: Alternative Views of Oklahoma History
A collection of writings from both famous and every day Oklahomans, outlining a different perspective rarely seen in traditional history lessons.

Haunted Oklahoma City, Guthrie, Norman
Any city with rich history has it’s share of ghost stories. These books tell those taunting tales from OKC, Guthrie, and the campus ghosts in Norman.

Oklahoma: A History
A comprehensive narrative beginning with the tectonic formation of Oklahoma’s landscape to modern day including the well-known and lesser-known events that shaped this state.

OklahomaCity: What the Investigation Missed and Why it still Matters
A riveting account of the horrid events of April 19, 1995 and the implications for national security and law enforcement today.

Oklahoma Scoundrels: History’s Most Notorious Outlaws, Bandits & Gangsters
A true crime account of the Doolin gang’s hotel gunfight, Gunslinger and femme fatale Belle Starr, “The Bandit Who Wouldn’t Give Up,” and more!

Travel Oklahoma For Free: 35 Books From & About Our Great State (9)Travel Oklahoma For Free: 35 Books From & About Our Great State (10)

Travel Oklahoma For Free: 35 Books From & About Our Great State (11)Travel Oklahoma For Free: 35 Books From & About Our Great State (12)

Travel Oklahoma For Free: 35 Books From & About Our Great State (2024)


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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.