Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (2024)


Weekly: 4 - 3089 words Not completed!!!
Character 1 - 338 words
Age: 14 and introvert / 6 of clubs

Jamie is a 14 year old middle schooler. He is an introvert, who loves reading and creating stories in his mind. His parents aren’t exactly good parents and they divorced, his mother got custody of him but after she decided to go to another country, she left Jamie with her sister. Jamie’s aunt, Teresa–or as he calls her, Tessa– was really happy to have Jamie staying with her. Jamie looked up to Tessa a lot and she was the closest thing to a mother he had. After Tessa saw Jamie’s creativity she encouraged him to write stories. Jamie became a really good writer, he writes stories for school and his classmates enjoy them. But as Jamie doesn’t like the crowd a lot he puts his stories under an anonymous name. Someone apart from his aunt which he gets really along with is his English teacher. She gives him suggestions about stories, helps him with corrections and she was the one who helped him publish his stories in school. The only student in school who knows that Jamie is the mysterious writer is his best friend, Camila. She and Jamie are inseparable, they have other friends but they spend most of their time with each other or in Tessa’s house. Even though writing and reading takes a lot of Jamie’s time he also enjoys doing some sports. One of the sports he enjoys the most is Volleyball. One good and at the same time bad thing about Jamie is how good he is. He is a really kind person who sees good in everyone, and people sometimes have used that against him. To his luck, Camila has always been there to defend him and she is the one that faces people and kicks their butts. Jamie has a good heart, and whenever someone feels bad he tries to make them feel better, because when he was little there was no one to make him feel better at home. That is until he met Camila and moved in with Tessa.

Character 2 - words
Age: 41 and extrovert / Jack of spades

Tessa is the sister of Jamie’s mother. She is quite an extrovert and she is an explosive person. When they were young, Tessa and Jamie’s mother used to go to school together. Tessa was the girl who some people saw as a weirdo, but she didn’t exactly care. Meanwhile Jamie's mom was someone who really cared about others' opinions. That often affected her relationship with Tessa, but as Tessa knew how her sister was it didn’t affect her too much. Her extroverted personality got her many friends, and she was always the soul of the party. While she got older things didn’t change, she was always active and looking forward to any party or crowd of people she could get into. She had some boyfriends but in the end she never got married. When she met her sister’s boyfriend, Tessa wasn’t exactly happy about him, he gave her a bad vibe. In the end she was right, because Jamie’s dad wasn’t the best person in the room. When Jamie moved in with her Tessa’s motherly instincts awakened. She had to learn how to raise a kid, and how to be the best mother/aunt she could be. At the beginning she was really nervous, but Jamie was a really nice kid, and he was easy to handle. They became really close quickly. Even though Tessa was really explosive and Jamie, someone quiet and reserved, they enjoyed spending time together. Tessa became the known cool aunt of the neighborhood, and everyone knew who she was. She got well along with people in her neighborhood and organized some of the best parties. When someone bothered Jamie, Tessa would get pretty protective, as she knew Jamie actually got hurt by people’s comments. She taught Jamie how to ignore people and how to live without people affecting you.

I got the colors dark yellow and dark green, so I am using a “beachy” town as the setting. There will be a dry hot season and then a humid hot season. The town will have a lot of palm trees and vegetation. While getting more into Tessa’s house, she loves plants and has a lot of them inside and outside her house. The sun is always shining to a blinding level, a few times a month you can see rain but usually clouds just go and come without dropping water. The streets are pretty chill, most people use bicycles to go everywhere but you can see some cars. The story takes place in the 2010’s, so technology won’t be as advanced as it is right now. The school is not far from Tessa’s house so Jamie goes on his own with his bicycle, sometimes he stops at the stores that are between the school and Tessa’s house but usually he takes a route we’re he can see the vegetation. You can see big palm trees almost everywhere you go, and there are some coconut trees.

Freewrite - 459

Jamie was in his room, he had gotten the idea for a new story and was brainstorming new plots and characters. Tessa entered the room to tell him something, but before she could even open her mouth Jamie interrupted her.

“Names! I need powerful female names!” Jamie said excitedly “Something new! I want something I haven’t used!”
“Uhhh, what about… Ivette?” Tessa suggested while she left Jamie’s clean clothes on his bed, “Or Clair?”
“Ivette’s nice.” Jamie said as he wrote it down, “Thanks Aunt Tessa!”
“No problem, now what do you want to eat today?” Tessa asked “I can make something or we could go out and find a good restaurant.”
“Uhm, could we order some sushi?” Jamie inquired “I don’t want to go to a restaurant right now, I can’t lose inspiration!”
“Fine Mr. Writer, I’ll order some sushi.” Tessa chuckled as she got out of the room

Jamie had written many stories before, he was just 14 years old and everyone in school had read at least one of his stories. Even though they were really successful Jamie wrote his stories with an anonymous name, and the only people who knew he wrote those stories were his aunt Tessa, his best friend, Camilia, and his English teacher. Jamie was an introvert, and writing was his way to “talk” to people. He avoided crowds, so when his aunt Tessa made parties he usually spent that time in his room reading or writing. Something that made Jamie a really good writer was his immense creativity and ability to create stories out of little things. While he was starting the story his aunt called him.

“Jamieeee!” She called from the kitchen “The sushi’s here!”
“I’m going!” Jamie said as he shutted his computer.

Jamie exited his room and walked past the hallway. All around the stairs’ wall there were pictures of him and Tessa. Jamie had moved in with Tessa when his mother left the country, his parents had divorced and his mom wanted a new life. He was just 7 years old when Tessa took him in, but he was happy it had been that way. Tessa didn’t act like his mother did, and she wasn’t like the other mothers, but Jamie loved being with her. When he got to the kitchen Tessa was already seated down, watching something on her phone.

“What’s up?” Jamie asked, but she didn’t answer, “Aunt Tessa?”
“Oh, haha sorry. My ears got blocked.” She chuckled, “Come, look, I was reading this. I think it will interest you.”

Jamie sat next to her aunt and she showed her what she was reading. It was the website of an online writing competition. Jamie scrolled through the page and saw it was a big competition.

Part 2 - 1166 words

A character’s diary is read aloud
“What’s this?” one of the kids said taking a notebook out of Jamie’s backpack “It’s a diary!”
Some kids gasped and murmured while others started laughing. Jamie started trembling, they couldn’t read his diary! They will discover that he was the mysterious writer! He had to do something about it.

“Leave that!” Jamie yelled “You have no right to read it!”
“Well you shouldn’t have messed with me in the first place.” he said meanly “Now, let’s open this thing and start reading.”

Jamie looked at Camila, she shaked her head. There was nothing else to do and now everyone would know his secret. He closed his eyes as one of his classmates started to read his diary.

“Today was an interesting day, I had to escape Mr. Hollow so I would be able to get home early and get my ideas straight. I skipped class to read my book and god it was a heavy part that I read. Even though I was about to cry, it gave me a good idea for a new story. The only thing about this story is that it will be a bit heavy, in terms of sadness. I just hope Mrs. Williams lets me share it just like my other stories. I wouldn’t like not to post a story this month and disappoint my classmates. I think they actually like my stories, but I’ll keep them anonymous even though. To what they know the mysterious writer could be anyone, there’s no way they know it’s me, and I want to keep it that way.

Describe something without mentioning its appearance.

The outer part was hard, it was better this way. It could be soft but if it was it would be easier to get damaged. Its pages were thin, and when you let them go through your fingers you could feel the air coming from them. You should be careful because it gets damaged easily, but when taken care of it’s beautiful. It takes you to a whole new world and sometimes you don’t like it. In school they can be boring and quite a nightmare but when you enjoy reading they are your heroes and the best thing ever. They are really valuable and important as people get to live more than one life.

Spontaneous snowball fight! Or mud ball, space junk, magic ball, dodgeball…
Jami and Camila were walking down the street, the streets were really slippery as ice was all around. It normally didn’t snow where they lived but this winter had been extremely cold. They were crossing the street towards the grocery store when Camila got hit in the head by a snowball. She turned around and yelled,
“Hey! Who did that?!” She exclaimed, annoyed. Then she saw some little children throwing snowballs at everyone.
“Snowball fight!” one of the children yelled and they all started running and throwing snowballs.
Jamie laughed and throwed another snowball at Camila. She gave him a death stare and ran away from him, making a big snowball. She threw it straight at Jamie’s belly and he fell to the ground.

Your main character reunites with a long lost friend.
Jamie was getting a new story done, he was writing the ending and had put a “No Enter!” sign on his door. If someone interrupted him, Jamie was sure he would throw something at them. He was writing the last dialogue when someone knocked on the door.

“I said no one can enter!” Jamie yelled “Enter and you’ll be in danger of getting hit!”
“Jamie, I think you should really come out right now.” Tessa said “And no flying pens should hit me!”
“Do I really need to go out now?” Jamie grumbled
“Yes, come downstairs.” Tessa answered “You’ll see.”

Jamie shutted his computer down and, annoyed, walked downstairs. He got to the kitchen where Tessa was but saw nothing special or new. He walked towards her and tapped her shoulder.

“What did you want me to see?” Jamie asked, “There’s nothing in here.”
“You should turn around.” someone said behind Jamie, he recognized the voice and turned around.
“Camila?” he murmured as he turned around, and there she was. His long lost best friend. “Wow, it’s been years.”
“Yeah, we’re not 4 anymore.” She laughed “I’ve missed you this 5 years you know.”

Have one of your characters receive a note

“So, that is what next week’s project will all be about.” Mrs. William explained “Any doubts?”

Everybody said no, the bell rang and everyone started gathering their things to go to eat lunch. Jamie was about to walk out when Mrs. Williams stopped him.

“Jamie! Could you wait for a few minutes, I have something for you.” She said, Jamie nodded and waited for everyone to get out of the classroom. “Well, I got this note and I assume it’s for you.”
“Oh, who sended it?” He asked
“You might want to check that yourself.” Mrs. Williams chuckled

Jamie took the note and saw it was from the principal. He read it and was surprised, it said he had been invited to the school’s newsletter. It was a great opportunity to improve his writing skills, but he didn’t want to work with all those people.

“It’s a really good opportunity Mrs. Williams but I must deny it.” Jamie said, “I’m sorry but I don’t think I’ll enjoy it much.”
“Oh, it’s okay Jamie.” she said “Keep the good job!”

Write a scene where they confront their fatal flaw.
Jamie was in his room, again. Tessa had organized a picnic in the park, hoping he would get out of his room and be outside more time. But even after Tessa trying her best to get Jamie out of his room he decided to stay in there. Jamie usually spent time home, writing stories. But he had spent too much time in his room, without getting to be outside. This was something Tessa didn’t like and wanted to change, as Jamie was losing the opportunity to do a lot of other things.

“Jamie come on boy!” she said, “You need to get out of there!”
“But why?” Jamie asked, “I enjoy writing stories and being here!”
“I know, but you are spending too much time in your room.” Tessa said, “Please think about it, I’ll be downstairs.”

Tessa left Jamie’s room and closed the door. Jamie looked at the door, lost in his thoughts. Maybe Tessa was right, did he really spend too much time writing and being in his room? After some minutes of thinking and not being able to write anything Jamie left his things and went to the kitchen.

“Let's go outside Aunt Tessa.” He said
“Really?” Tessa grinned, “Well, come on then!”

She took the basket she had prepared and went outside. Jamie followed her, it was hard keeping pace as she was too excited and running but soon they got to the park and started setting everything up.

Part 3 - 601 words

“Wow, pretty impressive.” He said in amazement “It’ll be cool getting into it.”
“Why wouldn’t you get into it?” Tessa asked “You’re an amazing writer.”
“But I have to win a lot of different competitions to get to it.” Jamie sighed “How could I make it?“
“Jamie Thomas! You will get to that competition!” Tessa exclaimed “You are a talented writer! You hear me?”
“Yes, Aunt Tessa.” Jamie laughed “I’ll go back to my room and keep writing, tomorrow I’ll ask Mrs. Williams about the competition.”

Jamie went back upstairs, he kept writing his story but the competition was blocking every other thought from his mind. He really wanted to enter the competition, he could get a lot of people to read his stories. The only doubt he had was if he would make it to it, he would have to work really hard just to get into the competition. Winning it or even making it past the first round would be such a challenge, but Jamie knew he could do it. He had been writing for a long time and he had a really good knowledge. If he worked hard enough and asked for help from Mrs. Williams, and other teachers, he could be able to have a future in the competition and the writing world. After writing for the whole day Jamie went to sleep. He had a difficult night, as he had nightmares. When he woke up the next morning, he got ready for school and remembered he was going to publish a new story that week. He got his backpack ready and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

“Good morning Jamie!” Aunt Tessa said happily, “Woah, you look sleepy. Did you have enough sleep yesterday? Please don’t tell me you spent the night writing or reading something.”
“No aunt Tessa, don’t worry.” Jamie yawned “I just had some trouble sleeping but I am sure I’ll be okay in school. I just need a good breakfast before I leave.”
“Fine, if you feel too tired or you need a break in school, tell your teachers. I’m sure they will let you rest, and if you feel too tired to even be in school just tell them and I’ll go pick you up. Or you could just walk home.”
“Yes, Aunt Tessa. I already told you not to worry. I’m okay.” Jamie chuckled but a yawn escaped his mouth. Aunt Tessa raised one eyebrow and looked at him.
“Nothing to worry about, yeah sure. Well, now hurry or you’ll be late!”

Jamie quickly ate his breakfast and headed outside, he took his bicycle and started riding it to school. Halfway through he stopped at Camila’s house. Camila was Jamie’s best friend since they were little kids, she was one of the only people who knew that Jamie shared stories at school. He knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. No one opened the door so he knocked again, this time Camila’s mom opened the door.

“Jamie! Hi, Camila will be down any minute now.“ Camila's mom said she closed the door slightly and yelled, ”Camila hurry up and get your butt down here!“
”I'm going mom! Wait a minute please!“ Camila yelled from her room ”Is Jamie already here?“
”Yes! Hurry or you will both be late!“ Her mother screamed, ”Sorry Jamie, she'll be down in no time.“
”Haha, don't worry Mrs. Collins, I can wait.“ Jamie chuckled as he waited. Camila finally got there and they both hoped on their bicycles, ”You took your time.“
”Oh shut up and let's go."

Weekly 3 - 2806

Part 1 - 981 words
Song 1: Hallelujah instrumental version by Allen & Bright. - 405 words

“Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah~” my father sang as he played his guitar
“Sing again daddy!” I said happily
“Tomorrow sweetheart, now you should go to sleep.” he chuckled
“Nooo! I don’t wanna sleep!” I sobbed “Please!”
“What if I sing while you get in bed?”

My father accompanied me to my room and there he tucked me in. He started singing again for me while I fell asleep. This was our everyday routine, my father was a good musician. And thanks to him I really loved music, and so did my mom. She worked at a restaurant and whenever she got home early we would all sing together. I had a pretty great life, my dad was my hero and the closest person to me. The next day I woke up and my mom said my dad had gone to work early. I waited for him the whole day so we could sing again but it was already late and he hadn’t come back. My mom was getting worried because he didn’t answer her calls.

“Mommy?” I said “Where’s daddy? Is he not coming?”
My mother looked at me, she kneeled down and said, “I’m sure daddy’s coming soon. Don’t worry, everything will be okay.”
“Okay…” I murmured but I was worried, daddy was never late.

I went to bed but then I heard a siren and someone knocked on the door, I got up from my bed and peeked through the door of my room. There was a police officer in the door talking with my mom. My mom suddenly started crying and I ran to her.

“What’s wrong mommy?” I asked
“Oh my baby girl.” she sobbed “Your daddy, he got into an accident. And now he is no longer with us…”
“Daddy…” I whispered

I was just 5 years old and my father had died. Years passed and my mother and I had to move on. She got really sick in the years to come and I took care of her. Now I am 16 and things have gotten tough. I stopped hearing music because it reminded me too much of my father. And I wanted to move on, I wanted to be able to live my life without my dad. My mother didn’t think that way and wasn’t able to move on. I took care of her, but I wanted to see the world. And I just couldn’t leave her.

Song 2: Give Us Childhood - 576 words
I was in the training center, practicing my shooting. War had come to my country and I had been selected to fight. I was sad at first, because I was afraid that I will never see my parents and my girlfriend again. But then I realized how important it is because I keep them safe. I got some friends here, they told me their stories and we all fight for someone we love. I’ve been training for about two months, and I think I am ready to get into the battlefield.

“Soldiers!” Our officer shouts as he enters the room, “I got news! You are getting into the battlefield! No more training. We need more men fighting.”

The room got quiet and everyone looked at the officer.

“You’ll be leaving tomorrow by dawn! There you’ll meet with your commander, she’ll make sure you guys are ready to fight and that you make it back alive.”
“Did he say she?” someone asked
“Yes, I did soldier! Your commander is a woman, and one of the most capable soldiers I’ve gotten. She just started two months ago like you.” The officer answered “Now get ready everyone!”

The room got full of murmurs and everyone was giving their opinion on having a female commander. I didn’t care, if she was good at her job she deserved it. Next morning we got into a van and drove to the rendezvous point. There our commander was waiting for us. She seemed rarely familiar to me, but I couldn’t see her clearly from where I was.

“Everyone out of the van!” She ordered “I want to see what you can do, so you’ll show me your skills and I’ll assign you a station, rank, and I’ll tell you what to do.” No one was moving, she looked at us and yelled, “Now!”

Everyone did what she said and in turns we showed her what we were capable of, when it was my turn I saw her face and almost passed out.

“Ariana?!” I gasped “What are you doing here?”
“Leading a war squadron?” She said “Can’t I do that because I’m your girlfriend or what?”
“No, of course you can!” I was just surprised.” I answered
“Well, take the surprise with you and show me what you got.” she ordered
“Yes ma’am.” I responded

Ariana was an expert in this, she gave us positions. She corrected our errors and when the time came she guided us through the battlefield. We were winning, I was able to shoot some people from a safe place. But some of my companions weren’t that lucky. I could see how they were falling, but I kept running through the battle ground. If I got to their side I could shot at their tanks. I kept running without looking around me, this was an error. Some opposing soldiers were coming at me from behind.

“Mason! Turn around!” I heard Ariana’s voice screaming “Watch out!”

I turned around, there were two soldiers about to shoot me. I was shocked, I couldn’t move. I just saw how they pressed the trigger, I closed my eyes. I felt nothing, I opened them and saw Ariana in front of me, falling to the ground. She had taken the bullet that was about to hit me…

“Ariana…” I murmured “No! No!”
“Win for me…” she sayed and closed her eyes.

I was fighting to protect her from war, not to make her die.

Part 2 - 816 words
Inspo is my dreamcatcher.

A long time ago there were three girls with the power to give, take and control dreams. These three girls were named: Leila, Levana, and Zehra. Each one of them had one of these three gifts, and they all used them for the good of humanity. Leila could give dreams, Levana could take them, and Zehra, who was the eldest of the three, could control dreams. These three girls were sisters, and they all lived in a place beyond human knowledge. Their home was far away from any human civilization, and it was called Alynthi. Alynthi was a place for magic creatures which controlled things in human’s life. For example the sisters, they took care of people’s dreams for a lot of years. That was until something happened between them and things got out of hand. They were just 400 years old (They live up to 1000 years), things had gone well for their starter years and Zehra had been left in charge of the three. Levana wanted to be in charge, she thought she was better than Zehra, so she started doing things she shouldn’t. Instead of taking just the bad dreams away from people she started to take other dreams, dreams that she knew people needed. She had done this without her sisters noticing but one night she got to her objective early and met with her sister, Leila. Leila was giving dreams to some children and Levana was taking them from other children in the same place.

“Levana?! What in the world! What are you doing?!” Leila exclaimed shocked “These are children! They are having happy dreams! You shouldn’t take them!”
“Leila, this is not what it looks like.” Levana whispered “Let’s go home, I’ll explain everything.”
“Explain?! There is nothing to explain!” Leila yelled “You broke one of our most sacred rules! I’ll tell Zehra!”
“NO! Leila wait!” Levana screamed but Leila had already disappeared.

Levana placed her hands together above her head and mentioned some words then feathers started to appear around her and Levana disappeared from the children’s room. She appeared back to Alynthi, just the same way she disappeared. There she saw Leila talking with Zehra, and Zehra didn’t look happy at all. Levana tried to walk away but Zehra caught sight of her.

“LEVANA!” Zehra screamed “Come back here! NOW!”

Levana walked back to Zehra, she looked furious. She knew Zehra would never let her go without punishing her. She was in trouble, big trouble.

“Is what Leila told me true?” Zehra interrogated
“Well” Levana muttered, she didn’t know what to say. If she lied Zehra would somehow get to know the truth later, but if she didn’t lie she could get in trouble right in that moment without being able to get a plan together. “Yes, I did it.”
“Why? Why would you do that?” Zehra asked, with her voice breaking “We’ve been doing this for 400 years, and I trusted you. I thought you were responsible and I thought you had what was needed for this job!

They all kept silent but before Levana could answer Zehra said something that hitted Levana right in her heart.

“I was wrong.” Zehra sighed “Levana, civilian of Alynthi, the Dream Taker. I am taking your power away from you, and you’ll be punished for your actions.”
“What?! No!” Levana exclaimed angrily “You can’t do that! These are MY powers! I gained them!”
“You don’t deserve those powers!” Leila screamed from the other side of the room “You were taking dreams away from innocent children! That is not what you got your powers for! We are supposed to help people!”
“You are so closed minded! We could do so many things with our powers! But no!” Levana hissed “You were put in charge Zehra, and what do you do with that power? You waste it. If I was in charge, we would do so many things.”
“You’ll never be in charge, Levana.” Zehra said “Now, I’m taking your powers.”
“No you are not!” Levana screamed as she used her powers to disappear
“She escaped!” Leila squealed
“We’ll find her.” Zehra murmured “No matter how much it takes, we’ll find Levana.”

The sisters looked for Levana for a lot of time, but after they weren’t able to find her, they thought she had just gone away somewhere she would disturb no one. For about 100 years things were this way, people with bad nightmares couldn’t get rid of them and there was one dream power missing. Leila and Zehra got a way to make things work the best they could, and they did things without Levana for a long time but one day they got some disturbing news.

“What’s wrong?” Zehra asked her investigation and security team
“We got signals of someone taking dreams away.” someone said

Leila looked at Zehra, they knew who was taking dreams away. Leila murmured, “Levana…”

Part 3 - 1009 words
Continuation of part two. The themes in the story are sisters vs sister, and vengeance.

“She’s back?” Leila muttered “We lost sign of her years ago. Why would she be back now?”
“Because this year will be the 500th year of us taking care of dreams.” Zehra said “She knows we are halfway through our life. And this year she could take my place. Because every 100 years we can change who is in charge.”
“She is taking advantage of this year being the 500th. She could take power and be in charge for the rest of her life.” Leia said “And I’m sure she wouldn’t let us take power back in a hundred years.”

She rolls her eyes and leaves. Zehra knows Leila doesn’t like Levana, since she caught her taking away dreams she gave to children Leila thinks Levana isn’t someone who deserves the support and love of her and Zehra. But either way, Zehra misses Levana. She misses being the three together, so she wants to take this opportunity and bring her sister back. She knows it’s not likely it will work, as Levana has a big resentment towards her, but she won’t lose the opportunity.

“Everyone! Look for Levana, whatever information you get give it to me immediately!” Zehra ordered, “We need to find her soon.”

She leaves the room and goes to Leila’s bedroom. She is in there, creating new dreams. Zehra observes her for a while, she looks somehow sad. She knows Leila isn’t exactly happy with Levana, and that she has some hard feelings for her. But Zehra thinks that deep down Leila still loves Levana and she misses her.

“May I come in?” Zehra asked as she knocked on the door.
“Sure!” Leila answered “Do you need something, sis?”
“Not really, I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Oh! What is it?”

Leila stayed silent for some minutes, it’s clear she was thinking about her sister. She looks at Zehra and says,

“What about that traitor?”
“Sis, I know you are hurted by what she did. But she is still our sister.” Zehra sighed “Please, let’s give her a chance.”
“A chance? Zehra, she is still taking dreams away from people. It’s been almost a hundred years, she had enough time to change and she didn’t.” Leila snapped, she was clearly * “You may forgive her, but I am doing what I should do. I’ll bring her back here to take her powers away, just like we should’ve done last time. I will fulfill this mission, no matter what.”

Zehra looks at Leila and understands she can’t do anything to change her mind. She nods and hugs her sister. While they are chatting someone comes into the room running and panting.

“Miss Zehra! We’ve gotten news!” She said “We’ve got a trace of Miss Levana in London.”
“Thank you for the information, we’ll be leaving now.” Zehra said as they get up, she turned towards Leila and said “Let’s go, we need to catch her.”

The sisters used their powers and teleported to London. They started going to different houses but there was no sign of Levana. Zehra took out a tracker and saw exactly where Levana was. When Zehra and Leila got there they saw Levana, but they couldn’t believe what their eyes were seeing. Levana looked different, now she had black hair, her eyes looked full of evilness, and there wasn’t a single clue tha5 could tell them it was really their sister.

“Levana…?” Leila whispered “Is that really you?”
“Look who it is!” Levana laughed “If it isn’t my two sisters, it’s been long. Why are you here? I was really having some fun before you came to ruin the party.”
“Levana, you know why we are here.” Zehra said “You’ve been taking dreams away from people, again. Why can’t you just do your job? Why can’t you stop being like that.”
“Because there’s no fun in that!” Levana said rolling her eyes “And I’m here to ruin everything you’ve worked so hard on. I’m here to take all those dreams you made. I’m here to make your lives a living hell.”
“You are unbelievable! Can’t believe Zehra thought you could change! Ever since you didn’t gain the power of being in charge you’ve been a brat!” Leila yelled “You just care about yourself! And about ruining our lives!”
“Leila! Don’t say that!” Zehra choked “Why are you so bad to her?”
“Oh come on Zehra.” Levana chuckled “You know she’s right. And I don’t care, because what she says is the truth. And I enjoy that truth.”

Zehra was heartbroken, but if Levana was going to act that way then she only had one option. She took out a rope from her bag and looked at Levana.

“You’ll be coming with us.” Zehra said
“I’m not.” Levana said with a grin “You see, this 100 years helped me learn something. Our powers are bigger than what we think. I can do so many things, not just taking dreams away and destroying them.”

Zehra stays quiet, she knows Levana has discovered new ways of using her power. Ways that are a threat to them. Leila on the other hand is confused, what else could Levana do?

“Levana I don’t want to fight, but I will if I have to.” Zehra said
“Oh Zehra, that’s the thing. You still care for me, but I don’t care about you.” Levana said softly, she started moving her hands while some kind of black light came out from them. This light started to take shape. Then Leila realized what this light was, it was a dream. Levana was using dreams as a weapon. “Now you see? Dreams are more than what we think, and they are my weapon against you.”

Levana threw the dream at her sisters and disappeared. It took time for Zehra and Leila to free themselves, but when they did they knew Levana was long gone.

“She’s more powerful than what we thought.” Leila sighed
“I know, and surely she’ll be back.” Zehra said “And she’s back, we'll be ready for her.”


Weekly 2 - 2532 words

Part 1 - Me: 385 words Total: 725 words
It was a dark night, I walked through the dark streets. Trying to find a safe place where I could spend the night. I was tired but I couldn't stop running! I was escaping from someone, and that someone would not take a break. Not until they got me.
The warm glow of a small inn greeted me. A small old women was seen inside, sweeping the floor in pain and with grunts.
I was atracted by the warm, I opened the door of the inn and the old woman saw me and stopped sweeping. “Welcome dear, what can I do for you” she said coming towards me “I was wondering if I could stay in here for the night.” I told her “Of course, let me give you your key.” She walked towards the counter and handed me a key. “I don't have money on me.” I lamented “Oh, that won't be a problem. Take the key.” she said “I'm sorry but I can't accept it!” I babbled “Nonsense, take it!”
I didn't want to keep this kind woman up, so I thanked her generously, and walked up to my room. I noted she but the broom under the maintenance counter in case I was ever feeling generous, which happened to be the next morning. I opened the big door labeled 25 and swung it open.
I was sleeping peacefully but I heard a noice. I stood up and looked around but there was no one around. I stood up and opened the door. I looked both ways and saw no soul. But I still heard steps coming from somewhere. “Hello? Is someone there?”
My voice echoed around the hallway. The footsteps suddenly stopped, as if they hadn't expected me to be awake. A flash of green from the left made a look over. A small mop of black hair peeked from a door then ran back in when I looked overe.
I didn’t know what to do. Should I go back to my room and wait for morning to come or should I take the risk and see what that mysterious figure was? It was a hard decision, but curiosity took over me. I started walking, following whoever was there.
I could barely see a fuzzy outline of a person hiding against the doorframe. The person looked a few inches shorter than me, meaning I could easily trip them if i needed to. I walked closer, my eyes adjusting to the dark room.
Now I could clearly see who I was following. It was just a young girl, what was she doing in here? I was unsure wether to tell something to the girl or go looking for the old lady. At the end the decision wasn’t mine. The girl turned around and saw me.
Her eyes went wide and she disappeared behind the frame again. I could still barely see, but I spotted some type of item in her hand. “Hello..?” I said quietly to her, whispering not to wake anyone else up.
“Go away..” she said slowly. “What?” I asked, “Who are you? Are you lost?” she ignored me, and kept walking. I followed her but she stopped. “Go away…” she murmured again “Go away…”
I was confused. This girl was spying on me, yet she wanted me to leave? I shook my head and crouched in front of her. Looking into her dark eyes I said, “Who are you, and how can I help you?”
She looked at me, straight in the eyes. There was something about her face that gave me chills, was it the dead expression on her eyes or the pale color of her skin? She open her mouth and said quickly “Run.” I was confused, what should I run from? Then I heard steps, heavy steps.
I took her advice. The fire exit was at the end of the hall but it felt like miles as I took my steps harder and harder. The girl screamed behind me, but I didn't look back. I needed to keep going, or whatever those steps were would get me. I finally got to the stairs, out of breath and out of hope. If I was in a chase, I wouldn't be able to run much longer. I turned to the door, taking my hand and turning the knob. Locked.

Part 2 - 524 words

Name: Valeria Noor
Age: 15
Species: Elf

Personality and Traits - 207 words
Valeria is someone really shy, she’s always been an introvert. She doesn’t like talking to other people and she keeps her thoughts to herself. Because she is quiet she is a great listener. Valeria may be someone who knows how to listen but she distracts herself a lot and gets lost in her own thoughts. She can create brand new worlds in her mind and that keeps her entertained while she is alone. If she creates a strong bond with someone, breaking it will be hard. She is really sensible and her emotions can be read like an open book on her face.
She is a kind person but getting on her bad side is an error. She can be sweet as an angel or evil like a demon. She is known for causing problems with people she doesn’t like, but her shy personality covers her up. Her bright green eyes gave her an angelic look as well as her curvy red hair. She was short compared to the other elves but that doesn’t mean was less capable. Her height benefited her because this way she could get into places she shouldn’t. So Valeria is someone shy, but her dark side is something you shouldn’t mess with.

Wants, Hopes and Strengths - 216 words
Valeria may be shy but she is a pretty needy person. She wants a lot of things, especially for things to be done how they should. If something isn’t done the way it should be, she wants it to be corrected. Though she wants this a lot, her biggest desire is to be as the smart elf she is and not just as a shy girl who makes people’s life harder. She wants people to know that she can make a lot of things, not only trouble. Her shyness isn’t an advantage to this, because she doesn’t talk that much so people can’t hear her ideas. She hopes that elves are someday accepted with other creatures, as elves are seen as less. She hopes her people can live in peace and as equals. Her biggest strength is her ability to see things in an unique way. People may think it’s a weakness that she spends too much time thinking about the way things could be, but this makes her see all the possibilities. Valeria is also a quiet person, so she can hear a lot of things and pay a lot of attention to things around her. Another thing is that Valeria is really creative, she can come up with big ideas in just seconds.

Dislikes and Fears - 101 words
Valeria is someone picky, so she dislikes a lot of things. But the one thing she dislikes the most is having to do chores around the town. Her mother always gives Valeria a list of things she needs to do, so when that list is long Valeria gets really lazy, so the list becomes bigger. In the end she has to do a lot of things which she doesn’t like. Meanwhile her fears are spiders and feeling less than other people. She doesn’t like spider's eyes and feeling like she’s less than others hits her hard, so she fears the feeling.

Part 3 - 419 words
The story will take place in a small town located in Mexico, but the time period is in the future. The city that is close nearby has technology and things way more sofisticated and advanced than the town. But this town still has some technology. In this town people keep their old traditions, though they also are modern. This is why their technology isn’t as advanced because they don’t go through acelerated change. The town is located in México’s south, so temperature is warm and wet in there. The town is small compared to the big city but at the end it’s not that small. The center of town is full of pretty stores and restaurants full of great Mexican food. There is the main road full of this main stores and then there is the part where people live. Everyone knows everyone in this town, because it’s little and at the ene of the day you get to see everyone. The time period would be in a future where there are already flying cars, robots for everything but here in the town some cars still have wheels and robots are exactly popular. Though they still have atoumated doors, self conducting cars, and really advanced phones.
In the city there is a park known by all people who live there, the park has a playground for children to play, an area for dogs, a bycicle area and places where you can just chill after a heavy day at work. And in the center of town there is also a mall, people go there a lot of time but even though the mall is a big center of attention the stores arond the town are still pretty known and visited. If you walk some miles away from town you can see some woods, in which you’ll find different animals. From squirrels climbing trees at the edge of the woods, to bears deep into the woods.
Lastly there would be some mountains and a volcano close to the town. The volcano would be a resting one which sometimes makes smoke come out. This volcano would have been a volcano which when being awake would have caused a lot of trouble to the town but they learned to live with it. So this town is ready for any volcano eruption. Another thing about this town is that the sunset looks beautiful if you see it from the volcanos and if you look at the volcanos at sunrise you’ll see something extremly unique.

Part 4 - 163 words
Premise: You can’t find your lucky charm

Your main character is going on a competition/job interview/new school day (whatever fits) but they can’t find their lucky charm (it can be whatever thing, maybe a gift from someone or maybe a penny they found.) They are worried because they have had that lucky charm for a lot of years and it is something really important to them. So they are afraid not to have it with them, because they think it will give them bad luck or things go wrong. They go looking through their house but can’t find it, so they go on an ‘adventure’ where they go back through their steps looking for their lucky charm and discover that they are not the only one losing something. Will this adventure lead them to find their lucky charm or to lose something else? Your main character will have to go through different tasks and challenges that will prove if they have what it takes to get their lucky charm back.

Part 5 - 1041 words
Character by @Cru-mble (Link) Setting by @Shizuka_Yoshi (Link) Premise by @Polarbear_17 (Link)

Sy was in her school dorm, studying for what was supposed to be a really important test. She couldn’t stop checking her window, waiting for Lyn, her best friend. They were supposed to study together, and the window was the only way they could get into each other’s dorms. Because in their school there were four towers, each one with dorms for different students. Sy’s dorm was in the north tower and Lyn’s in the south tower, and after 9pm students weren’t able to get out of their dorms. Sy was an introvert without a lot of friends, soLyn was someone really important to her. She liked to make her proud and to be the best she could for her. Lyn wasn’t only her friend but she felt like a sister to Sy.
Sy placed her hand in her hair and moved it away from her face, so she could exactly see what she was doing. But time passed and Lyn wasn’t coming so Sy decided to take her pen and contact Lyn through it. Lyn and Sy had created some magic pens to contact each other, and with just some clicks they could send a message to each other. Sy kept studying, waiting for Lyn to appear through her window or for her to answer, but there was no message and Lyn never appeared. Sy gave up and went to sleep, hoping the next morning she would see her friend in class. Sy woke up and got ready for class but when she got there, there wasn’t a sign of Lyn. She went over to a guy in the class, hoping he'd know where her friend was.

“Hey.” Sy said to the guy, which turned around confused
“Uhm hi? Can I do anything for you?” he said
“By any chance do you know where Lyn is?” Sy asked shyly
“I’m sorry but no, last time I saw her was yesterday in alchemy.” he answered “I hope you find her.”

Sy nodded and walked away from him, without getting any knowledge of her lost friend. She went to most of her classes that day, but by the last two periods she was done with it. Sy had to find Lyn, she enjoyed being alone but Lyn was someone she cared about. She went back to her dorm and took the pen again, but there was no response from yesterday. She sended a new message, which said “You good? Where are you?” but even after a long time of waiting Lyn didn’t answer.

“This is not good… I need to find Lyn, but how?” Sy said for herself “I can’t contact her in any way, and no one has seen her.”

Sy walked through the room, from one side to the other. If she wanted to know where Lyn was she would have to go back through Lyn steps. But to do that she would have to get to Lyn’s dorm and that will be something hard to do, especially now. A week ago they had discovered some students getting into the principal’s office (which was in the south tower), so there were guards every hour in the south tower. And everyone had to show they were from that tower to enter. Sy knew she would have to sneak through Lyn’s window, just like they did every night, but this time it was day and anyone could see her. She could always wait for night to come, but this was something urgent and she wouldn’t wait. So Sy’s only hope was no one would see her sneaking into the south tower. She tied her hair up in a pony tail and got out of her dorm. While she walked past the school she heard some students talking and their conversation got her attention.

“You heard about Lyn?” one of them said
“No, what about her?” the other student answered
“It looks like she somehow disappeared. No one has seen her throughout the whole day and it’s suspicious. She never misses class.”
“Wow, and what about her friend, Sy.”
“She’s looking for her, or that’s what I’ve heard.”

Sy kept walking towards the south tower, but her thoughts wouldn’t leave her walk peacefully.

“So people have noticed Lyn’s absesnce.” she thought “That’s good, and I hope someone else looks for her, because I’m not sure I’ll be able to find her on my own.”

Sy got to the south tower’s entrance, there were 3 people guarding the entrance. But if she was silent and quick, she should be able to make it past them. Sy walked normally towards the guards, then she moved a bit to their right and passed next to one of them. She looked back, making sure no one had seen her. After being completely sure she was safe, Sy kept walking, straight into Lyn’s dorm. As she expected Lyn’s dorm was closed, Sy looked into her pockets and took out a key. She opened the door and looked inside. Everything seemed normal, things were just like Lyn liked them. She went inside and started lifting things up and opening drawers. But there was no sign of a clue, or anything that could tell her where Lyn was. She was about to give up when she saw something on Lyn’s bed, it was her pen. Sy took it and sat on the bed.

“Lyn never goes out without it…” she murmured “Which means she didn’t leave on her own free will, or she didn’t plan on being gone for long.”

I examined the bed and what was around it, the only thing I could find was a little note which said, “Don’t forget to meet with her.” But meet with who? Who was Lyn supposed to meet? She hadn’t told me anything about meeting with someone important or anything. The note might not be a lot but it was a lead. I kept looking and found a pair of bracelets which seemed to be connected by magnets. They were really cool, and maybe they could help me so I took them with me. That was all I could do for a day, so I went to sleep and the next day I planned to talk with people who knew Lyn.
(Will leave it here bc of lack of time)


Weekly 1 - 2597 words
Part 1 | Poems - 307 words

Poem 1 - Friends - Haiku

Always by my side
I can count with your support
you are shining stars.

Poem 2 - Dancing - Acrostic

Dealing with the stress
And enjoying my day
Nothing will stop me
Can you do a pirouette?
Instantly thinking, I wanna dance.
Navigating for a chance.
Going forward and also back.

Poem 3 - 13 - Etheree

So many things have passed, since that beautiful, dark night,
growing and getting older, has been a delight,
a lot of experience I got this years,
and there have been a lot of laughs and tears.
My family, friends, and everyone,
Who’s always been there by my side.
Being the only daughter,
to having a brother.
Little sister came,
become a game.
My birthday,

Poem 4 - Harry Potter - Limerick

Harry Potter was just a young boy,
but his life didn’t have any joy.
Hagrid came and that changed,
the Dursleys just exclaimed.
Life in Hogwarts was just to enjoy.

Poem 5 - Broken - Free Verse

She told me I could do it.
That’s what I believed.
But the moment I tried.
I wasn’t so relieved.
Things got hard, and I was tired.
I’m breaking down day by day.

Whatch me as I get broken,
while I’m getting up again.
and trying to be myself.

No one said it was easy,
I never thought it was.
But sometimes things her hard,
when you’re dying inside.

Crushing up yourself,
cause you wanna be strong.
But who said being weak,
was something wrong?

Crying not cause you’re weak,
but because you were strong for long.
And you know at the end,
it didn’t seem enough.

Poem 6 - Stronger - Acrostic

standing on your feet when you are about to fall
taking what you have and making it all
roaring like a tiger who’s gonna attack
or dealing with the wieght that’s always on your back
not giving up when things look rough
go for it and take a shot
even when you’re going down
rise again and scream loud.

Part 2 | Essay - 506 words
They should teach self defense in schools
Schools around the world teach a lot of things, from basic maths to extra classes like art, dance, swimming and more. A lot of this things will help you in your day to day life, but when living in the world we live, knowing how to defend ourselves is incredibly important. So, don’t you think schools should add a self defence class to their curriculum? Knowing how to defend ourselves, both physically and verbally is really important. Just as important as knowing how to multiply or how to write correctly. This could be an extra class they give or a mandatory class, just like science. Kids wouldn’t learn just how to defend themselves out of school but also in school. Bullying has been a big problem for a long time, so while kids knowing how to defend themselves verbally and physically, (it would be preferable they do it verbally) they could get out of a bullying situation.

Just so we have a bit of context in how serious bullying is, about 20% of students from the ages of 12-18 nationwide (USA) have suffered of bullying. In this 20% about 40% of the people bullying were physically stronger or larger. If schools teach a basic area of self defence students would be able to defend themselves physically if nesessary. Now defending ourselves physically isn’t the only way we can—and need to defend ourselves. A lot of people are also bullied verbally, and someitmes words can hurt more than punches. Words get all the way to your brain and can hurt you emotionally, so knowing how to fight agaisnt verbal bullying is something everyone should know. There are different types of bullying in school, 13% of the bullying is people being called names, being insulted or being made fun of. School’s teaching how to defend ourselves verbally would help a lot of people avoiding bullying. Now, bullying isn’t the only reason schools should teach self defence, a lot of children get kidnapped, attacked or ab**ed. If this children knew how to defend themselves physically they could get an advantage to escape, or to ask for help. And some of you may say, how will a kid defend themselves from an adult? Well, there are techniques that work on adults and techniques that don’t, teaching children the right technique would give them an advantage.

At the end knowing how to defend ourselves is a basic knowledge and ability we need to have. Schools should try implementing it in their curriculum, maybe as an extra and optional activity that each student could chose to enter or not to. But if they implemented it as a mandatory class a lot of kids would get the ability to defend themselves both physically and verbally. This way they could avoid getting bullied and defend themselves from other people who tries to hurt them. So do you think schools should implement self defence as a class?

Part 3 | Scripting (Just did a part of the story) - 897 words

Jo is seen walking in a street following someone.

I lost her again! Ugh, I can never get her!

Jo walks back to her room and goes to sleep.

She wakes up the next morning and walks towards a coffee shop. She takes a seat.

The same as always, Miss Granger?

Yes Lucy, thank you.

Jo drinks her coffee and a man enters the coffee shop, he walks out and Jo follows him.

Hi Josephine

What do you want, Marcus? (annoyed)

Why so mad Josy? Aren’t you happy to see your fellow detective?

Happy isn’t the word I’d use. So why did the agency send you?

Well, Mary thinks you’re getting obsessed with catching Lady Vilee. And she send me to help you.

I don’t need help, but I guess having you here it’s not that bad. C’mon, we are going to the bar.


Because that’s were Lady Vilee goes everyday.

Jo and Marcus walk towards a bar. They go there and look for clues. They stop and go back to Jo’s apartment.

So tell me, what have you been doing all this time?

Marcus walks around the room looking at things.

Because it looks like if you’ve been working all day and night.

That’s pretty much what I do Marcus, as you know I want to catch Lady Vilee.

Jo walks towards the door and opens it

Well you can leave now, I’m going to sleep. See you tomorrow.

Marcus leaves the house leaving Jo alone.
Jo appears with Marcus walking through streets, then going to the coffee shop. They go to another street and then back to Jo’s apartment.

Well, what are we seeing here? (looking at the conspiracy wallI)

The key to knowing what Lady Vilee’s plan is.

Jo walks around the room connecting dots. Marcus looks at her.

So what’s her plan?

For the looks of things, I think she is planning on meeting with other criminals. Where is the question.

Marcus looks at the wall and connects some things.

Here. (pointing at a part of the wall) She always dissapears in this street.

That is the same street I lost her two weeks ago.

I assume we’ll be going there.

You are right.

(Scence changes, they are in the coffee shop) They are eating breakfast in the coffee shop.

Are you ready to do this?

I’m always ready. But first I have a question I’ve been trying to ask you, why did you become a detective?
Uhmm, well. When I was sixteen my father was almost killed by one of the most famous criminals of that time. I wanted to avenge him so I started training to become a police officer. But then I noticed that there was something I wanted more than being police, I read about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. I had bought the books just for entertainment but in the end I wanted to become a detective more than anything else. My sister wasn’t really happy with it, and the reason. Is still unknown to me. I trained hard to become a detective, for when I was old enough, but something unexpected happened. Five years ago, some months before I entered the agency, my sister went missing. I looked for her everywhere but I wasn’t able to find her. I was heartbroken so I decided to increase the difficulty of my training. After two months I became an official detective and I continued looking for my sister.

Wow, I see. Maybe after catchng Vilee we can find your sister.

Yeah, maybe.

They get up and walk in different places. They get to a building and look around.

Something’s odd here, Jo

I know, be alert, we don’t know what could happen

A man comes running and punches Marcus, he fights with Jo.

Jo helps Marcus up.

Everything okay?

Yeah, I feel like a punching bag.

The walk but Marcus turns around.

Uh Jo, I think you should turn around.

Jo turns around, a lot of men are coming towards them. They start fighting but the men capture them. They take them in and there is Lady Vilee.

Tie them up in a chair.

The men tie Jo and Marcus.

So who do we have here? Don’t tell me that these are the two detectives who are looking for me? They are so pathetic!

We’ll see who is pathetic after we get out of here! (yelling) You won’t win this time Vilee!

Lady Vilee looked at Jo while the other criminals were laughing.

That voice.. could it be? May I ask who you are?

Why do you want to know that?

Just answer the freaking question!

My name is Josephine Granger, I’m a detective, and the one that will get you to court

So it’s really you, Josephine, what a surprise.

I’m sorry, but am I supposed to know what that means? Because from what I’m hearing it looks like you think I know you.

Jo and Lady Vilee look straight at each other.

So you don’t remember me Josily, that’s sad. I thought that a Granger never forgets

(Gonna leave it there bc of little time)

Part 4 | Non-Fiction Writing - 887 words

First Writing - Descriptive memoir - 453 words

We got out of the car, the weather was really hot out there and there was a nice fresh breeze. I could hear the sea waves from where we were. Two men got out of the house in front of us. They both were wearing shorts and beach shirts. We got inside and there they started teaching my brother and I how to surf. The surfboard was hard and heavy, some parts of it had bumpy areas. Standing in it with my bare feet was a bit uncomfortable. When we finished with the basics they placed the surfboards in a big car and we got in it. The road was bumpy, we could hear the car engine roaring, and I felt the fresh sea breeze on my face. We got to the parking place, it was above the beach and from it you could see the sea. There were a lot of surfers in there, I could hear people talking, and the sun blinded my eyes. We walked down the stairs, they were made of rocks and some little parts got in my feet. When we reached the beach I took my sandals off. The sand was soft, hot, and a bit itchy. The two guys who were teaching us carried the surfboards. We got to a place where there wasn’t a lot of people, my parents placed our things on the sand and my borther and I went straight to the sea, ready to get on the surfboards. We got into the water, it was cold but enjoyable. I got on the surfboard, afraid I would lose my balance and fall. I was able to sand on it for a few seconds until I fell all the way to the water. We swimmned a little deeper into the sea, looking for some good waves. The feeling of surfing was incredible, trying to stay standing on the board while a wave drived me, falling of my board and start laughing. Making a perfect wave, looking at my mom, and falling cause I got distracted. After we surfed for some time I decided to take a break. The sun was burning hot, but watching the videos my mom took distracted me from it. Later I decided to just get into the water and look for some seashells. There were a lot of seashells, each one different. Some of them were little with pink details, while others were bigger with purple shades on them. While looking for seashells I got dragged by the sea a few times, but it was fun feeling how the pressure of water took you. I scratched my knee, with the sand and rocks but it was a really cool experience.

Second Writing - Frida Kahlo Biography (Narrative) - 434

Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderón, also known as Frida Kahlo is one of Mexico’s most famous artists from starts of the 20th century. She was born the 6th of July of 1907 in Coyoacán, Mexico City. Frida’s life was a really hard one, the dificulties started when she was just 6 years old. In 1913 Fridah got poliomielitis (polio), this disease made her have circulatory problems that caused her have chronic pain her whole life. And polio also made her right leg thinner than her left leg, because of this children at her school called her ‘Frida peg leg’. While having polio and not being able to get out of bed Frida got herself an imaginary friend which she played with.
Frida really loved animals and was around them a lot of time, because of this animals were featured in a lot of her paitings.
In the years to come things just got harder for Frida. When she was 18 years old the bus she was riding was run over by a tram. She got heavily injured and had many fractures, including the spine. Throughout her live she had 32 operations. Because of the accident Frida wasn’t able to move for along time and had to stay at the hospital. To help her out her parents encouraged her paint. She got a special lectern that allowed her to paint from her bed. This injury marked Frida for life. Frida didn’t just painted other people she knew, but she painted herself. This was a way Frida used to show how she saw life.
Later on Frida married Diego Rivera, another Mexican painter who she had met when she was just 15. Even though Diego was way much older than her, they were deeply in love. Because of the height differene they had they called them “El elefante y la paloma” which in english means the elefant (symbolizing Diego) and the dove (symbolizing Frida).
Throughout her whole life Frida made 150 art pieces, which in majority were about herself. Some really known paintings are Las Dos Fridas, in which Frida draws herself as her mexican self and as her european self. Another one is La Columna Rota which shows how she broke her spine and the difficulties it brought. And Autorretrato con collar de espinas y colibrí is a painting she made after her divorce with Diego Rivera.
Her life was full of ups and downs, and she died the 13th of July of 1954.
Frida made a lot of incredible things during her life and she is a big inspiration for a lot of women.

Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (2024)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.